work with me

For much of my spiritual/healing journey, I walked the path on my own, without mentorship, like-minded community, or individuals I could freely talk to about the journey of awakening. I opened Light House so that you would have more support and a safe space to cultivate a robust, joyful, connected spiritual life. As the venerable Ram Dass said, “We’re all just walking each other home.” Each service I offer is a step we take together on your journey of making your way back home to your true self & the seat of your soul where there is peace.

three ways to work with kendall

spiritual counseling

– integral soul healing

When we heal all the way through to the soul level, we accept responsibility for becoming conscious of what we create, the energy we draw in and send out in our lives, and the path of wellness and wholeness that we choose daily.

intuitive medium readings

Each of us receives messages regularly from Higher Consciousness and loved ones across the veil. I just happen to have a finely tuned “receiver” for these messages and use it for the soul purpose of helping you connect to them more directly for clarity, healing, closure, and growth.

spiritual mentorship

Though spirituality is about expansion and removing the limitations and conditioning we’ve put on consciousness, it can be an overwhelming subject to navigate and to reconcile with our personal religion of origin. Guidance with contemplative practices, personal inquiry, and spiritual/theological study can help you find your way.

contact us to learn more

Welcome home.

You are entering a sacred, safe space for the exploration of spiritual development and personal transformation. I look forward to connecting with you.