sunday fellowship

*NOTICE: After 6 1/2 years of stewarding this gathering, I ended this Fellowship for good on 2/25/2024. Please stay tuned for other initiatives through which I may be teaching, speaking, or contributing.

Light House Fellowship, led by Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister, Kendall Heath, is a bi-weekly, Sunday spiritual gathering for the exploration and realization of deeper truths. Affectionately called “unchurch church” by some who have attended over the years, this Sunday service encourages group dialogue, spiritual study, and the building of spiritual friendships.

Discussion topics focus on the esoteric teachings of various spiritual and religious traditions, as well as psychospiritual philosophies. It is through an inclusive, spiritual discourse that we nourish ourselves and each other by way of faith learning together, philosophical examination, meditation, prayer, music, and community. Spiritual Fellowship is a way to regularly recalibrate ourselves to the spiritual life within and around us.

We also honor the unique spiritual lineage that we each have when we arrive in a spiritual community and use this satsang-style fellowship to remind us of our universal true natures, which are loving, capable, and whole and expand beyond religious doctrines. We elevate ourselves to our higher minds each time we come together to learn and share in an open community such as this.

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What is Spirituality?

Spirituality, among many things, is a search for love, meaning, liberation, union, wisdom, and intimacy with the sacred. I tend to think of spirituality in a broad context that is, for me, a blend of Interfaith Mysticism, Gnosticism, Paganism/Earth-based spirituality, Spiritual Science, Indigenous and Ancient Wisdom traditions, and well known Eastern and Western religious/spiritual traditions; combined with contemporary, psycho-spiritual philosophies about personal growth, transformation, and the expansion of consciousness and awareness.

In terms of a life path & spiritual orientation, the primary focus is on the inner life and emerging higher consciousness of individuals and our unique connections with our Higher Power, The Universe, and spiritual dimensions. Another central focus is how all that translates into more conscious, connected, humane communities and relationships of congruence and inclusion, and our intimacy with and reverence for our mother earth, our oceans, animals, the natural elements, and all living beings. In this way, spirituality has vertical and horizontal directions and implications for wholeness and respect for all of life.

To me, all of life is animated by The One and Divine energy (chi/prana), and there is a transcendental, lucid quality to spiritual practices that help us connect with that oneness and shows us we are a part of it. There is also the very real, down in the dirt experience of living embodied in this world of contrasts and suffering and learning to face living challenges and complexities with all the spiritual faculties, tools, knowledge, and intuitive guidance that is available, using discernment for what works best for us as individuals and contributes to the diverse collective.

Spirituality is an inclusive embracing of and fair inquiry into higher, deeper truths from all over the world., as there is not reliance on one prophet, one sacred book, or one set of principles. There is a general, shared commitment to ongoing self-examination, selfless service and altruism, authentic expression of our true essence and cultivation of spiritual gifts, centering elements like prayer and meditation, and other contemplative practices which benefit oneself and the greater good and promote compassion, openness, generosity, empowerment, equality, liberation and higher consciousness for all.

Spirituality is a highly individualized path where one meets universal truths again and again, truths informed by many spiritual cultures and figures who have gone before us and helped unpack the vastness and who live among us and as us now. At its best, this journey leads to purification of ego-centeredness, integration of the heavens and earth, and an opening of the heart & soul that is both life-affirming and world changing.